Computers and WiFi

 ATU Donegal Library campuses provide students with both access to computers and WiFi for research and study purposes.


Library PC’s are for study and research purposes only.

  • Users are not permitted to create, store or transmit defamatory material, or material which infringes copyright or intellectual property rights, or discriminates in any way, or is offensive, obscene or abusive, or which contravenes the law of the state (in particular the Data Protection Act or the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998).
  • Users are not permitted to make any unauthorized adjustments to any library IT equipment, settings or software.
  • Access to the internet is for research and educational purposes only.
  • Please ensure you logout of PC’s when you are finished.


 All libraries have Wi-Fi access.

For Students: Click here for Information 
For Staff : Click here for Information 

Visiting students from institutions participating in the Eduroam service can use this service to obtain access to the internet.

Wi-Fi is not available for visitors.